Bringing peace of mind to one of our own

Jolene G., Custom Underwriting Specialist, GRM US Business Lines, United States
Jolene G. is a Custom Underwriting Specialist in GRM US Business Lines, described by her colleagues as a true team player who always shows up for others. “She is the kindest soul,” shared Keri Mechling, Sr. Territory Manager, GRM US Business Lines, “always placing everyone else’s needs before her own.”
So when Jolene lost her home in California to the Caldor Fire in 2021, it was no surprise that her Liberty colleagues and agency partners rallied together to help get her back on her feet.
Upon learning about Jolene’s loss, leaders in her organization began to think of ways they could show their support. They approached Keri, who having organized fundraisers for local causes before, knew how impactful crowdfunding could be and was inspired by how quickly people had jumped to the aid of others.
“When I first learned of Jolene’s loss, I knew there was something we had to do to help,” recalled Keri. “We quickly arranged a GoFundMe campaign to support Jolene with basic needs while she was displaced. At the time, more than ever, she needed our support, and I wanted her to feel that she wasn’t alone.”
“The week following the fire, I could barely bring myself to get out of bed. Keri had tried several times to call, but I couldn’t bring myself to answer,” said Jolene. “Then one day a mutual friend and colleague urged me to speak with Keri, and when I did, I couldn’t believe what she had to say.”
Within a matter of minutes, total donations to the GoFundMe for Jolene had exceeded the original goal thanks to the support of colleagues and agency partners. “When I found out what Keri and the others had done for me, I was moved to tears. I still am every time that I think about it to this day,” recalled Jolene. “You want to talk about putting people first? They put me first. They showed up for me in a way that I’ve never experienced before, and for that I’ll always be grateful.”
It’s been months since Jolene’s life was turned upside down, and her journey is still far from over. But despite the devastation, she says that there’s also been some good that has come from this experience.
“I have good days and bad days. I have days where I’ll see a photo of something lost in the fire – something, anything – and it will bring back so many emotions,” Jolene said. “But whenever I feel overwhelmed or frustrated, I just visit the comments on the fundraising site and I’m inspired. The amount someone gave doesn’t matter. Just the fact that they cared to give so selflessly is what inspires me to get up and out of bed every day.”
When asked what she’ll take away from all of this, Jolene says she is eager for an opportunity to pay the kindness and compassion that she experienced forward for someone else. “To be able to be the person that steps up, even if it’s in the smallest way; to be that beacon of hope for someone else is what motivates me to be a better version of myself for others every day.”

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